We're doing our bit to help lower carbon emissions

16 / 10 / 2019 | General

The Government unveiled details of its Future Homes Standard earlier this month as part of its drive to reduce carbon emissions.

What does this mean for us and you, our purchasers?

Essentially, this means changes to current Building Regulations governing the construction of brand new homes requiring developers like ourselves to future proof them with low carbon heating and world leading levels of energy efficiency. 

How can we achieve this?
  • By providing even higher levels of insulation in the floors, walls and ceilings of our homes – reducing heat loss
  • By installing low carbon heating systems in our homes – for example, heat pumps, which do not burn fossil fuels
  • By ensuring even higher levels of air tightness in our homes – reducing heat loss
  • By installing highly efficient ventilation systems in our homes
What features will you see in a Hazeley home?
  1. Highly insulated floors, wall & ceilings – specifying the best quality insulation products has always been a key focus at Hazeley.  These areas offer the greatest opportunity to reduce carbon emissions, meaning long term savings for you, our purchasers.  Typically, the homes we build achieve a minimum of a ‘B’ energy efficiency rating
  2. Low air leakage test results – the homes we build consistently surpass the current minimum standards.  This is all achieved with tight controls at each stage of our build process
  3. Low carbon heating technologies – we are already successfully installing these new technologies into our new homes.  Most recently at our Banksia scheme in Awbridge, Nr Romsey and we are looking to utilise a similar system at our new site in West Tytherley
  4. Ventilation systems – be they continuous or systems with heat recovery, these are all systems you will already see in a Hazeley home.  Why are they needed?  With improved air tightness, it’s important your home has a continuous exchange of fresh air to maintain the air quality in your living spaces

There is a big drive for our industry to change and we believe Hazeley is in a strong position to not only meet, but continue to exceed levels of expectation.  As our clients, you will benefit from a home that is warmer, with good air quality, plus, you will notice significant savings on your energy bills and your home’s eco credentials will be seen as a major benefit should you decide to sell your home in the future.

Want to know more about low carbon heating technologies, air tightness and ventilation systems?  Keep visiting our website or follow us on Facebook as we will be posting about these in the future.